Jury M&A Awards 2024

A small group of experienced captains of industry and experts is selected to cast their votes for each of the Awards categories.
You can read this year’s Regulations here

Lieve Creten (Chairwoman)

Former co-founding partner of the Belgian M&A practice at Deloitte; board member at Barco, CFE, Montea, Quest for Growth

Lieve has been a partner at Deloitte Belgium for more than 20 years. She was one of the founding partners of the Belgian M&A practice. Lieve is currently a board member at Barco, CFE, Telenet, Montea and Unibreda.

Philippe Haspeslagh

Partner and Honorary Dean Vlerick business School. Honorary Chairman Ardo, Capricorn Partners and Procuritas AS.

Philippe is also Chairman of Family Business Network Belgium and Honorary Chairman of Ardo, Capricorn Partners and Procuritas AS. Partner and Honorary Dean Vlerick business School.

Sophie Manigart

Professor and Faculty Dean Vlerick Business School

Sophie is Professor and Faculty Dean at Vlerick Business School and advisor in entrepreneurial finance, venture capital and private equity.

Renaat Berckmoes

Co-Founder and Partner Fortino Capital

Renaat is extremely skilled in financial matters and brings a relevant connection to the financial world.

Michaël Sephiha

Journalist Mediafin/De Tijd

Michaël specializes in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), private equity and corporate governance and has been working as an editor for De Tijd since 2003.

Pierre Demaerel

Secretary General of the BVA and Chairman of the Belgian Growth Fund

Pierre was Secretary General of the BVA from 2016 till 2022 and is Chairman of the Belgian Growth Fund.

An Vermeersch

Vice President, Head of Global Health Access at GSK and Member of the board at Gimv

An has over 25 years of experience in the Pharma and Healthcare sector, working at GSK and at McKinsey & Company.